Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tea Tea Tea

Although I love tea, I feel that I have been neglecting posting anything on my blog in the past month or so about the wonderful topic! I have been incredibly busy at my amazing place of work and have created some delicious tea recipes.

Here's an extremely easy and fast recipe I have created.

Herbal/Rooibos Tea Shake

A form of loose rooibos or herbal tea (about 2 tablespoons), below

-Try to get one that is very red, deep in flavor, and fine
-You can find these types of tea in many places (from a local grocery store to a specialized seller)
-If you get tea in a tea bag, just open multiple bags up and use that
1 cup Ice
2 cups milk
-You can substitute this for soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, etc.
1 tablespoon raw sugar
-You can use regular sugar or honey as a substitute

What you'll need:
A shaker
A glass

How to:
Quickly rinse the tea in HOT water for one or two seconds to start opening up the flavor.
Put the ice, milk, raw sugar, and rinsed tea in the shaker.
Shake very violently for about 15 minutes until it foams and fizzes, and it will.
Pour in the glass and drink up!
You can top it off with some strawberries or raspberries if you like!

Also, I've been dying to try TAZO's new Chai Latte....

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