I never knew science could be so inspiring! The Academy of Science holds an Adult's NightLife, 21+, every Thursday and for something that happens every week, it was pretty packed! Including profound DJ's and some good snacks, NightLife offers so many things such as a rain forest, moon viewing room, fish tanks, and presentations. Sometimes, if the sky is clear enough, you'll get to go on the roof to watch the stars through telescopes. You defintely need to go soon! (And all April is "Extreme NightLife", celebrating mammals!)
Go to their website here.
Some photos of butterflies, birds, etc. from the rain forest.
Some big cats, including a serval, leopard, cheetah, and others. Watch the video of the high jumping serval below.
Help out the Wild Cat Education and Conservation Fund that held this event, view their website here.
Yea at the LA County Museum I went to what they call "First Friday" on the first fridays of each month from Jan-June. It's basically a nightclub/bar in the African Hall of Mammals. They have food, drinks, and a DJ set up there. All these crazy lights too. It's awesome.