Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Girls Luv Guns?

Top Gun: noun; informal; one who has attained the highest status or rank in a field or position

Historically, showing off a firearm is seen as a power front. Ever since semi-automatic or automatic weapons existed, so did an image of strength and force that came with owning one. A gun expresses the power a person has, or a veil of authority they might possess. So what have metal firearms that shoot bullets at thousands of miles per hour have to do with anything? Well, I have noticed a semi-recent obsession with the guns in popular culture, especially among women in the music industry...

Those Chanel shoes Madonna has are fantastic!

Perhaps this current obsession with guns is bringing on the new image of strong women (I mean, Rihanna has at least 4 different gun tattoos)? Are the gun images in the media getting to be too violent? Or is it just some trashy, pop culture hype that will end when another media fixation occurs?
We shall see...

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